Experiment Class

The Experiment class provides an all-in-one interface for running simple experiments. It combines the effect of instantiating a TCLab, a Historian and optionally a Plotter.

%matplotlib notebook
import tclab

with tclab.Experiment(connected=False, plot=True, speedup=10) as experiment:
    for t in experiment.clock():
        experiment.lab.Q1(0 if experiment.lab.T1 > 40 else 100)
Simulated TCLab
TCLab Model disconnected successfully.

Accessing results

experiment.historian contains the historian instance which was created by Experiment:

[(0, 20.812700940382776, 20.788384634613717, 0, 0),
 (1.0, 20.905995814379526, 20.978928790222188, 100, 0),
 (2.0, 21.245346825807175, 21.23492347886724, 100, 0),
 (3.0, 21.071910253650344, 21.17195991571187, 100, 0),
 (4.0, 21.11707641600787, 20.841145497515168, 100, 0)]

Even simpler experiments

Sometimes you can use a simple function to describe the experiment you are running. In this case, it is simpler to use runexperiment. Experiment and runexperiment share arguments.

from tclab import runexperiment
%matplotlib notebook
def onoffcontroller(t, lab):
    lab.Q1(0 if lab.T1 > 40 else 100)
experiment = runexperiment(onoffcontroller, connected=False, time=100, speedup=10)
Simulated TCLab
TCLab Model disconnected successfully.
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